Day Five Part Two: I’ve been here for weeks

(Part one and two were written together, but are too long to post together. Here is the link for part one.) The train seats weren’t half bad. I played a few games with the students beside me (the games “What am I?” and “Bullshit”), read Foundation by Isacc Asimov, journaled, didn’t sleep, and visited a friend for two hours in another car. My friend was talking to a 13 year old Chinese girl, and occasionally…

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Day Three Part Two: Going, going, going

(Part one and two were written together, but are too long to post together. Here is the link for part one.) Back to my busy and fruitful days. After the caves, a few of my friends and I took advantage of the opportunity to see a Chinese acrobatic show. The story was very interesting, and very Chinese: A woman is sought out by the Fire Devil, but a shepherd comes and saves her by hiding her in…

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