How To Adult: Existential Crisis

 Today is one of those “Have an existential crisis before breakfast days” #lifeofa20something #adulthood — Anastasia Taber (@anastasiataber) August 11, 2015 Before I get to dating apps (Return of the Dating Dalai? Just as soon as I finish up Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance), I thought a particularly relevant topic would be existential crises. As far as I know, you aren’t doing life right if you manage to bypass these. So if you’re currently experiencing one, perhaps I…

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How To Adult: Budgeting

Remember as a kid when you were excited to get mail? Today’s mail: $200 electric bill, health benefits guide, credit card offer, & car title — Anastasia Taber (@anastasiataber) September 22, 2015   To kick off this new blog category “How To Adult,” I will start with budgeting. My expertise in this subject comes mainly from growing up with my dad who has been a financial adviser for many many years, runs his own investment advisory…

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New Website

Hi all – I have revamped my website in an attempt to motivate myself to write more blog posts and have a more consistent web presence (shout out to my brother Ted for his excellent tech support). Along with this revamping came another smaller metaphysical revamping (i.e. existential crisis) of who I would strive to be online and what I would want to say. Many websites and online personas come up with a super laser focus…

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